Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Was my ex's sister right or wrong for what she did?

Ever since our break up, there has been some drama between me and his family. I was receiving text messages from my ex-boyfriend, after I even told him to don't talk to me again cuz he lied and said he was divorced. he calls himself a Christian and decide to work things out with his wife, after telling me three days ago that he wanted to marry me instead. I was pissed off til this day cuz he mislead me! I caught unto his game and I ignored him and his 8 texts in my phone, so I got irritated and told his wife cuz i figured that will be the only way he would stop. Anyways, his sister gets in my face and tells me that I'm just tryna break up their marriage and is blaming me for everything that he did. His wife knowing was stupid and I should've told his mom! Also she gets on my case for having the police officer call b/c her sister stole my money and owes restitution. She says I shouldn't be involved cuz the $ was reimmbursed to me already, but she owes the bank not me. I didn't ask the cop to call me, it was his desision. Do u guys feel what she said was right or wrong? do you guys feel that it wsnt any of her business in the first place?

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