Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The feeling of hopelessness?

Do you know what it is like to feel like everything around you is like the subject of calculus? This is how my life is. I don't want to live. I have no future. All I see is calculus written all over the place and equations that I will never understand. How do I end this life without pain? Please don't tell me to live, I don't want to live. Help me end this pointless life. I know I am mildly retarded. I failed academic math hopelessly. I failed academic science hopelessly. That was in ninth grade. I failed about seven-nine subjects in high school, and the rest I barely ped with pity marks of 50, because the teachers were notified of my visitation with my psychiatrist. I request a psychiatrist, and he helped me then. But **** it, if I need somebody to help me to be happy for the rest of my life, I should just die. Understand that all I feel is confusion and sadness and emptiness everyday. Wtf is the point of being on medication for the rest of life, to keep me living,

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