Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Should I have ended my relationship with one of my best friends?

I don't want to sound mean, but your "friend" sounds really immature. kids are the only ones I know that say "I hate you" that often, and they're also the only ones I know that threaten to give up a friendship to get what they want. I think you should give up your friend; and I think if you're willing to put up with someone who claims to be your friend, but wants you to give up what you want just to stay near them (so they can use you for company or money or whatever they're using you for) is not a good friend. It seems to me like maybe you have more feelings for them than they deserve. A friend, even a close friend, should be able to accept that you have a life of your own, away from them. Sure it's sad that you could be moving away, that's how life goes but true friends don't hold each other back. I think you know that yourself, so just listen to what you know is right and find a better girl "friend".

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