Thursday, August 18, 2011

I want to go raw-vegan. How can I convince my family that it is OK & healthy?

I'm 14 years old and I want to go raw-vegan. I wanted to try it out before I fully told my parents about it, so today and yesterday I only ate fruits, vegetables, and sunflower seeds and drank a ton of water. My mom, being the mother that she is, asked what I ate today. I told her and she said, "You need more protein!" and I said, "I'm getting sufficient protein from fruits, vegetables, and sunflower seeds." and she said, "You need more. Go eat some cheese." I couldn't defy her, so I did and it felt gross. I was a lacto-ovo vegetarian. She is a vegetarian that eats fish, so a "pescetarian". I don't think she understands that I am getting enough nutrients! I am taking vitamins every day and working out. How can I convince her that being raw-vegan is okay?

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