Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I feel like my future will be a failure. any advice?

iv been thinking about my future and like iv been feeling that it will be a complete failure that i wont achieve anything i have ever been dreaming about i don't have big dreams so i don't know why i feel like this. all i want is to be either a cook or a high school consular get marry and have children its not the biggest dream but that's my perfect future to do one of my biggest pion which is cooking or helping people which is being a high school counselor. when i start thinking about how im going to afforded school i feel my dream almost impossible and i don't have the best grades in school and im not good at any sports so i feel like even though i do so many things after school like volunteer and clubs and well im a junior and im all ready starting on my senior project and im even going to do senior project because like i said im not sure what i want to do yet but when i am i don't want anything stopping me so im getting prepared but i need motivation my parents don't really motive me so i all ways have to motivate my self but lately i can can any one just tell me something that will help me keep pushing my self? please i really need help at points iv been thinking of killing my self because i don't want to live a horrible life but i don't do it because i don't want to go to hell. i just feel like im a fail or that maybe i have all ready failed in my life. i don't know what do do please help me

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