Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cage set up for a baby corn snake?

Your almost there, just tweak a few things: Get a deeper water bowl, corns like to crawl all over everything when they are hunting and he will eventually end up spilling the water out of a lid. They occasionally like to soak sometimes as well, so deeper is better. I'd also set up a hide on the cool side AND the hot side so he can alternate between the two. I use upside down clay flower pot holders (not the flower pots) with a hole punched in the lip so they can crawl in and out. Aspen is a better bedding because Corns like to burrow and will end up using the substrate as a giant hide while they tunnel through it. Everything else is about right although you may want to run a thermostat with the UTH so it doesn't overheat. Good Luck - I hope this helps.

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