Saturday, August 13, 2011

Can i see a psychologist?

im 18 and for the first time in my life i loved a guy who was my best friend but i never told him how i feel and he dated another girl...iits been months im trying to get over him but whenever i see something it reminds me of him, everything starts all over agian..i know this is random but the reason its getting hard to handle its becuz i didnt tell ANYONE that i love him...not even my bst friends, i never mentioned him and they have no idea about it, i dont wanna tell them now either so i firgured it might be good to talk to a psychologist or you think thats stupid? i mean the reason i think about him all the time is because i wanna see who is to blame...did he lead me on or did i misinterpreted...sometimes i hate myself and sometimes i hate him..but it never ends..its driving me insane...i literally have to keep my mind busy all the time and sometimes its just not possible... i would really appreciate your help

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