Thursday, August 11, 2011

Will this long distance Love survive? ?

My boyfriend who's been in the Navy for five years lives in VA while I however reside in apartment in Tx. We've known each other since middle school but didn't start talking until after we graduated. We've been official going on 7 months. He's a great guy and though everyone warns me to beware of cheating I seriously doubt he ever would. He's bought 2 tickets to come see me in the past 3 months when I've only bought one all together. I couldnt afford to pay for the ticket going to see him this time so he not only bought me the ticket but set us up in a Hilton Hotel for 2 nights simply because I'd mentioned that i've never been in one. I can hear it in his voice when he tells me he misses me and even more when he says he loves me. The times we get together are sparse and few in-between but the way he treats me, looks into my eyes, and holds me I can tell that his love is true. I can go off that feeling of closeness for months. But my fear is not now, it is later when he goes "under-way" for a year and I'm here by myself. I'm fighting off guys that I work with or old friends left and right and Its honestly been a chanlenge thus far to mantain the mentality of knowing my boyfriend is the one i'll end up with. What I'm left to consider is how long we've been together, our age's- I'm 21 and he's 22 (but given our past very mature), and last but not least the vertue of love vs. the reality of long distance love. I would never cheat on him but how do I keep my heart alive when its 1000 leages under the sea? Please, if anyone can relate or if anyone has any advice please dont hesitate to share. Thank you! ~Thorn

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