Monday, August 8, 2011

Tell me what u think?

Screaming over and over again1 lieing in my own blood of sorrow! swalloing my pride! My hopes and dreams crushed by authority! im taking a break, a break to BREAK free from my sadness, ur fading away from, leave me alone shut that door, lte me be, I hate u, but yet i still love u, ur cruel to me, but u dont care i feel ugly inside, I hate u for what u have done, i bleed for u cried for u, but not no more im tired of u, im scared of being lonly, im happy now though the light shows me the way, im ready to stand on my own twofeet again with out u, I am in complete happiness, shhh hear that its quiet in my head, im at peace for now, ur faded form my mind and im ready to make a diffrence in my life and with out u in it! IM MOVING ON WITH OUT U! im not crying for no more im not bleeding for u no more, I do as i please i lie now in my light my light that shows me the way to a better life With out U! Im moving on and im happy and doing it on my own!!!!!! im only 16 should i be a writer?

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