Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Does he like me?? im confused...?

okay, so a guy at my high skool, i rly like him, and he acts like he likes me, but im rly baad at readin guys behaviours, so i wanna no for sure. basically, when i talk to him, he shuts out all his other friends to talk to me, he msgs me like 24/7, and talks about a LOT, he keeps touchin ma *** or holding ma waist and tickling me, or just puts his hand on my thigh or knee. even my socials tteacher thought we were going out! and he always gives me huuge hugs, and was extremely happy when i broke up wit ma last boyfriend, but my friend, who has known him for longer than i have, says he is naturally kinda flirty, but then again, she says he isnt always that FULL ON FLIRTY, like he is wit me. she gets kinda annoyed, cuz he even winks at me all the time, and stuff, so i dont no if he does it for fun, or not...??? and pls no mean comments, im genuinely confused about this.

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