Monday, August 15, 2011

Culturally talkin who do them white peoples think they iz honkin at a sista when she crossin da street slowlay?

I'm confused. If your avatar is black why are you using country speak? look here sunny boy, we dun' like your kind round here in these parks, get that there hay out of muh' yard or om' mo' have me a fit, y'hear?; where I done' put muh' keys; howdeh'; partner; rootin' tootin' varmints; reckon; ain't; ya'll; I'm uh hunt'n I say; boy howdeh'; yeehow; she's a beaut, y'hear? ah' say.... ah' say.... ah' say she's a beaut, y'hear?; etc. THAT'S ALL COUNTRY SPEAK. You also need a redneck hillbilly name (Betty Lou, Betsy, Gus, Hank, Bernard, Zeke, Roseanne, etc.),

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