Thursday, August 11, 2011

Attention all guys! Would u leave me if I was your g/f?

I got diagnosed with HPV afterI noticed a skin-tag on the outside of my . HPV can be spread from skin-to-skin contact and my gyno said 90% of people have or will have it at least once. I have the kind that causes harmless little warts that hardly break out and can be treated with creams or painless treatments at clinics. I never had warts until 7 months into the relationship. He once mentioned he NEVER has had unprotected . I mentioned I had unprotected w/ my ex. AND I had got tested a year after our break-up and I was negative for all stds. The only test i never took was a stinkin HPV. Now I do not know who gave it to who. I need to tell him and I do not know what to say. It could be either of our faults. I just want us to get through this and for him not to hate me. We love eacother and have had an awesome, mature, and trusting relationship. Will he see me as a disgusting person now? Will he not enjoy ? The virus sometimes washes out of your system after 1 yr.

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